Professional Development Resources for Faculty
Full-Time Faculty FLEX Requirement
Full-time Faculty are required to complete a total of 8 equity/ anti-racism FLEX hours per academic year starting on July 1st, 2021.
How to Report and Track Flex Activities
Login to new FLEX database:
There is no need to be on the Intranet or campus computer to access this website if they use the above link.
You can ONLY receive FLEX credit for activity obtained in the current academic year and can only claim up to 6.00 hours of FLEX each day. No carry overs. FLEX hours cannot be rolled forward into other academic years or claim for prior years. Currently, faculty is required to participate in 24.00 hours of FLEX per current academic year.
Here are some common examples accepted as evidence:
- An email confirming your registration for a conference (These are the best)
- Sign-in sheets
- Minutes from a meeting **(Department meetings are not acceptable as it is part of the faculty contract)
- ID name tags with the conference logo on it (plus date and name of event)
- Programs/agenda schedules that contain your name if you are a speaker or submitted a paper
- A copy of a published paper
- For Zoom workshops, a photograph of you in attendance and send a copy of the zoom meeting invitation
For more FLEX information, click the following link: FLEX Information page
FLEX Track
- Login with your RCCD username & password.
- Once logged in, you can view your completed activities, activities in progress, and Add a New Individual Activity. You will want to Add a New Individual Activity.
- Please record all the Individual Activities and upload the evidence into FLEX (save it as a PDF) you have completed or plan to complete before June 30. When you enter your Individual Activity in FLEX, an automatic email will go to your department chair for approval. Upon approval of your individual activity and receipt of your evidence of completion sent directly to me, you will be awarded Flex credit.
- You cannot roll-over prior academic year FLEX hours. You can only complete the hours within that open academic year.
- Submit Appropriate Evidence: The college requires evidence that you have completed
and/or participated in an event outside of the PDC sponsored workshops. Any questions,
please send your email to Claudia Figueroa, FLEX Administrator.
Please note that ALL evidence must have the minimum three identifiers: Full name of attendee, Name of event, and date of event. Otherwise, it doesn't meet state FLEX requirements and cannot be accepted.
Here are some common examples accepted as evidence:
- An email confirming your registration for a conference (best)
- Sign-in sheets
- Minutes from a meeting **(Department meetings are not acceptable as it is part of the faculty contract)
- ID name tags with the conference logo on it (plus date and name of event)
- Programs/agenda schedules that contain your name if you are a speaker or submitted a paper.
- A copy of a published paper
Associate Faculty Opportunities
In an effort to simplify the process for payment of Professional Development Hours
for Associate Faculty as laid out in the contract, RCCD has streamlined the process
through Adobe Sign.
Following is an outline of the major changes:
- The new process will be routed through Adobe Sign. Etrieve will no longer be used for this purpose.
- Your Instructional Department Specialist (IDS) will initiate and facilitate the process.
- To start the reporting process, an Associate Faculty will contact their assigned IDS who will initiate the process in Adobe Sign.
- As soon as it’s started, you will receive an email from Adobe Sign for you to fill in the hours/details and digitally sign.
- Only Department Chairs will approve the PD hours, which will then be routed to Payroll for payment processing.
If you have any questions, please contact your IDS.
Equity & Anti-Racism Professional Development Opportunities
CORA (Center for Organizational Responsibility and Advancement) COURSES
Please contact Dr. Gustavo Oceguera, Dean of Grants and Student Equity for registration.
Send Email
- Teaching Men of Color in the Community College:
- Racial-Microaggressions:
- Course Design for Racial Equity:
- Black Minds Matter:
- Black Ally Program (per invitation from President Greene):
- CORA Webinars:

The following links contain training materials that were provided in the 2020-2021 econvenings.
Norco College Equity & Anti-Racism Resources
- Celebrating Hispanic Heritage:
- Lifting Black Voices:
External Organizations
- A2Mend:
- Boston University Center for Antiracist Research:
- CUE:
- EAB:
- PASS - Promoting At-Promise Student Success:
- RP Group:
- TVD:
- USC Race and Equity Center:
Articles & Reports
- Sustaining and Advancing Racial Equity Efforts During the Pandemic (PDF)
- Norco College Equity Audit Report (PDF)
- Beware of Equity Traps & Tropes (PDF)
- Just Equations 2021 Report: Solving for Equity in Practice: New Insights on Advancing College Math Opportunity and Success (PDF)
- Microaggressions/ Examples (PDF)
- Recovery with Equity (California Governor's Council for Post-Secondary Education) (PDF)
- Equity Traps and Tropes-Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development-ASCD
Flex Day Materials
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Accreditation 2027-Reflection Worksheet
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Accreditation 2027-Workshop Handout
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Accreditation 2027
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Aftercare Handout 24-25
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Faculty Impact on Black Student Success
- 2024 Fall FLEX - High-Low Context Communication and How it Impacts Grading Practices & Assignments
- 2024 Fall FLEX - NC 2023-2024 SEP Research Campus Area Highlights
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Tip Sheet - Helping a Student in Distress
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Tip Sheet Self Care
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Academic Senate Basics (Kimberly Bell)
- 2024 Fall FLEX - Ethnic Studies (ETS) Grant FLEX Presentation (Nancy Quiñones)
Archived FLEX Events
Norco College
- Faculty Professional Development Committee
- FLEX Requirements
- FLEX Tracker
- FLEX Training Proposals
- Help and Training
- Leading from the Middle Professional Development Plan
- LinkedIn Learning
- Professional Development
- Professional Development Funding Request
- Professional Development Resources
- Professional Development Videos
- Race and Equity Trainings
- Governance Entities
- Governance Resources